Unser Planet - Laboratory scientists


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Unser Planet himipex-oil labor
Laboratory scientists

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Laboratory scientists have invented a new universal inhibitor of corrosion


       himipex-oil labor





Low concentration: only 10 g/t

High adsorption Effect: up to 30 days

Thermostability and antioxidant properties: from –55 till 350 °С

Biodegradability: higher 70%  

Area of application

Gas and oil producing enterprises  

Oil absorption plants (OAP)

Oil and gas treating enterprises

Trunk oil pipelines

Oil refinery plants (ORP)

Oil absorption plants (OAP) 

Unser Planet himipex-oil labor Laboratory scientists
Unser Planet himipex-oil labor Laboratory scientists
Unser Planet himipex-oil labor Laboratory scientists

Inventors and scientists of know-how

Research and Test Center HIMIPEX OIL (RTC) was created within the framework of the Company for the elaboration of new chemical-engineering solutions related to the metal equipment corrosion of the oil and gas complex.

A team of highly competent scientists and specialists having the work experience in the specified field of more than 40 years has been effectively working at the Center for a number of years. This research team has a long-term experience of cooperation with leading scientific and production organizations and specialists in countries of the Customs Union (the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, and Kazakhstan), countries of the European Union (Italy, Spain, and Macedonia), Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, and Venezuela), etc.  

The main directions of the activity of the Center are as follows:

-elaboration of new modifications and formulations of corrosion inhibitors using microencapsulation and nanotechnologies that are capable of effectively slowing down the corrosion processes and damages in hydrocarbon, aqueous and two- and three-phase media, such as hydrocarbon–water, water–hydrocarbon, hydrocarbon–water–gas, etc.;

Polyfunctional corrosion inhibitors of “DEFENDER” Series: - have higher protective effect as for metals (steel, cast-iron), alloyed steel (protection of black metals - up to 98%, as compared to analogues (up to 90%)), allowing to reach the effective corrosion protection of equipment and pipelines at lower concentrations of inhibitor in the system; - offer optimum and stable protection of metals from corrosion, if the concentration of “DEFENDER” inhibitors in the system is not more than 10-30 g/ton of technological liquid (for analogous inhibitors, depending on the object, optimum doses should be no less than 75-300 g/ton); - have higher thermostability (up to 300 ºС) and antioxidant properties (for analogues – up to 135 ºС - 200 ºС), allowing their successful use (without negative consequences) in protection of rectifying columns, condensation-refrigeration equipment and pipelines during high-temperature oil and gas processing; - have high detergent-dispersive and washing properties (“DEFENDER” inhibitors effectively wash off heterogeneous deposits from the internal surfaces of technological equipment and pipelines even at a very low concentrations – not more than 30 g/ton of technological liquid. Large number of close analogues are unable to perform this task (cannot reach the same washing results at such a low concentration) without an additional system feeding (supplying) with special, often expensive, washing reagents and, consequently, you get additional financial expenses; - have high adsorption properties (“DEFENDER” inhibitors create protective films on metallic surfaces, which are very hard to wash off by liquid stream), providing the prolonged (up to 30 days) effect or “aftereffect”, i.e. “DEFENDER” inhibitors will provide reliable protection even in case that, by virtue of objective or subjective factors, their supply to the protected system will be stopped (failures, dosage equipment breakdowns, unsteady inhibitor supply and etc.). In case of analogues - not more than 3-7 days;

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