School in Germany removes German from curriculum


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School in Germany remo... 1st SC English
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22nd of March 2018

School in Germany removes German from curriculum

Lessons are now held in Arabic



In response to the hike of migrant students in the Karl-Marx-Grundschule (primary school) in Berlin-Marxloh, the school recently removed all German lessons from the school’s schedule. The decision was made, according to the principal because a majority of the school’s students did not speak German and therefore, to avoid issues with inclusivity, lessons are now held in Arabic by the mostly Arabic-speaking staff and German lessons were dropped.





The district the school is located in, is infamous for frequent honor killings, incidents with radical Muslim migrants and extreme crime rates. According to sources, the area is extremely dangerous, so much so that it’s essentially completely avoided by local police.

„The situation there is terrible but we can’t do anything about it. If we go in there, we’re basically free game. A former colleague of mine had a molotov cocktail thrown at his car there.“, an officer told us, prefering to stay anonymous, fearing consequences for his employment.

 „It’s extremely important to assure that these children and their parents know we are a country of diversity and we will embrace our differences, not destroying them by forcing them to learn our language“, so the principal.

School in Germany removes German from curriculum 1st SC English Erste Seite rising numbers of immigrant pupils cause problems

According to experts, the district shows more and more similarities to other areas with extreme poverty, a development not only seen there. According to them, Berlin-Marxloh has become akin to areas like Brazilian Favelas, where crime is rampant in bad conditions. Most crime in areas like Berlin-Marxloh is commited by gangs, consisting of mostly recent migrants from the Middle East and North Africa.

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