Pori Post 2016 - 6


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Pori Post 2016 Pori_Post 22/2016

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1.Your name is GM_Aquene. Would you like to tell us how you got it and what your real life name is?
I chose the name because I like the sound of it. No comment on the real name.

2.Does your GM name have a special meaning for you?
Nope, as I said, I just like the sound of it.

3. How old are you?
Nice try!

4. Do you play EOS yourself? Since when?
Naturally. I’ve been around since the beginning of EOS.

5. Which characters are you playing?
I love the warrior.

6. What do you like more, PvE or PvP?
Depends on the mood!

7. What was your reason to become a GM?
I love gaming, so I was happy to get a job related to games.

8. What is your task area as GM?
Comic Relief!

9. What would you say makes your job special?
Like I said, the fact that it’s related to gaming. Also, that we can actually influence the game to a degree.

10. What do you enjoy most about it?
I quite enjoy testing new content!

11. Would you like to tell us something about you as a person?
I believe that the pursuit of knowledge is the most rewarding thing in life!

Pori Post 2016 Pori_Post 22/2016 6

12. Do you have any interessting secrets you want to tell us?
The clue is in the name, ‘secret’!

13. What is the most crazy thing you did?
Existing! After all, the chance to ever be born is lower than the chance to win the lottery.

14. What was your most embarrassing experience?
I’m not much for regrets, so I can’t actually think of anything. I'd rather fail than not try and miss out on the experiences.

15. Decide:
- truth or white lie? Yes.
- serious or funny? Of course.
- easy or complicated? Absolutely.
- get up late or wake up late? Late!
- daily newspaper or Pori-Post? You know it!
- flexible or not? Sometimes
- dreamy or straight? So so.
- credulous or skeptical? Sure!
- sparingly or generously? Always!
- summer or winter? Fantastic!

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