Pori Post 2016 - 9


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Pori Post 2016 Pori-Post 21/2016

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Pori Post 2016 Pori-Post 21/2016 9

You are one of our EOS-GM’s, to post a little interview with you in our Pori-Post, we want you

to answer the following questions.

Please take the questions not too serious, it clould be funny and quick-witted comments ;)


  1. Your name is GM_.... do you like to tell us how you got it and whats your name in Reallife is?

My name is GM_Ed, as all GMs I am very privy about my real name. :O

  1. Does your GM-Name have a special meaning for you?

It’s one of my favourite anime characters: Ed, a hacker from Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy Bebop is the most awesome anime series, it’s a bunch of bounty hunters in space, a real rag tag group. They are not the most successful, actually they are all quite sad a bunch. If you are curious, you should check out the movie to the series, it’s really impressive and beautiful, and has great martial arts fighting.

  1. How old are you?

I am one of the older GMs in the team, believe it or not. D:

  1. Do you play EOS yourself and how long?

I played the game on the test servers before the beta phase, but it was hard doing that without a real population on the server. I never really went through the group dungeons because of that, since we mostly try to quick test bosses and mechanics with less people than 5.

I went through regular stuff up until around level 32 I think, then I skipped a bunch and just did tests, then looked into all level 60 stuff.

It’s hard to play a game you work on privately. I keep noticing stuff I want to fix, test or change and get side-tracked super easily.

I am more of a “sit in chat all day and talk about the weather” type MMO player anyway.

  1. Which charakters are you playing?

I love picking ranged characters, so archer was my most played character. I have to say, playing a protector was really really fun too, and I enjoy guardian and rogue as well. I don’t like playing mage or warlock.

  1. What do you like more, PvE or PvP?

I am a very typical PvE player, I am also always interested in the stories and characters. I was allowed to test all quests for the level 70 expansion, that was very fun, and I was allowed to rename a few NPCs. :D


I love picking ranged characters, so archer was my most played character. I have to say, playing a protector was really really fun too, and I enjoy guardian and rogue as well. I don’t like playing mage or warlock.

  1. What do you like more, PvE or PvP?

I am a very typical PvE player, I am also always interested in the stories and characters. I was allowed to test all quests for the level 70 expansion, that was very fun, and I was allowed to rename a few NPCs. :D

e GS, cleaning the forums, getting a feel for the mood in game…

  1. What would you say is special about your work and draws from it?

I love hearing from players that enjoy the game – or that have cool ideas, and want to make things better. Usually you will only hear feedback that is negative, as people only speak up when something goes wrong, but I try to remember that the bigger majority, and even this small vocal minority is in this game because they enjoy it and want to have fun with it.

  1. What makes you the most fun at work?

The new Korean company that now owns the developer for Echo of Soul (Mr Blue) is very open to our suggestions, and we got to request a cool small ingame event from them – you will see it soon, I had a lot of fun helping with that.

  1. Do you like to tell us something about you as a person?

I am a chatterbox, and am bad at video games.

  1. Do you have any interesting secrets you want to tell us?

I made a game once when I was 15, it’s an online adventure game, it’s still on the internet. :D

  1. What is the most crazy thing you did?

I already replied to this question for our first GM interview, so I have to come up with something different this time: I stole a license plate off a car once. It was a horrible thing, and I am still sorry I did it.

  1. What was your most embarrassing experience?

I met a singer I really liked at a festival when I was drunk – I grabbed a random other person, and went to him, saying he should sing at our wedding. He said we should leave him alone. I guess that was a bit embarrassing.

15. Decide:

- truth or white lie? --- truth

- serious or funny?  --- funny


- easy or complicated?  --- easy

- get up late or wake up late? --- why not both?

- daily newspaper or Pori Post? --- Pori POOOOOSt

- flexible or not?  --- flexiblest

- dreamy or straight? --- dreamy

- credulous or skeptical? --- skeptical

- sparingly or generously? --- generously

- summer or winter? --- winter


Okay, finally we need a Screenshot of your Char!

Please take a Screen so you like it and load it up at a Freehoster or send it to me by skype.


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