DIMENSIONS - Short Overview: TV and radio


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DIMENSIONS Science and Technology
UpClose: An interview with Ray Bradbury

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DIMENSIONS Science and Technology Short Overview: TV and radio
DIMENSIONS Science and Technology Short Overview: TV and radio
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DIMENSIONS Science and Technology Short Overview: TV and radio
DIMENSIONS Science and Technology Short Overview: TV and radio

A Huge Development: From Controlling Medium to Commodity

Back in the early twenties, a pioneering innovation came up: the radio.

It quickly developed from a medium used and controlled by government, politicians and the army to spread propaganda for their respective ambitions to a public medium putting several entertainment shows, music and “interactive games” on the air.
Once, it was the fastest medium existing but eventually it was passed by the internet.
Contemporaneously, there came up another invention that is called “television” now.
There are basically two kinds of TV-shows: those who are sponsored by the government and sending programs which contain a great deal of information and those who are sent out through private stations and sponsored by companies.

In our days, no one could imagine a day without using the internet. That is the reason why “the radio” started to use the internet too. Radio transmitters play music and at the same time write articles to inform their “followers” about what is going on in the world.

Also, the TV program is accessible on the internet. With a percentage of 23%, users have chosen TV programs as the type of content they are most likely streaming. (http://wifimaku.com/online-marketing/mobile-marketing-und-mobile-applikationen/internet-tv/entwicklung-des-internet-tv-markts).
One can see a development as well: due to the fast spread of information, TV programs as well as radio transmitters need to be “up-to-date” all the time, so that lots of gossip and “trash” is able to be a central theme. Sensationalism, a form of journalism that is specialized on shocking and rather unimportant facts, which are highly exaggerated to increase the number of viewers, outplays political issues more and more often. Sex scandals, drug withdrawal and love stories are a daily issue. Celebrities do not have any kind of privacy and have to face a life, in which nothing can ever be kept secret.

That is exactly what the viewership wants. They amuse themselves by watching a program that could be related to their own life and makes them feel better. Topics such as love, relationships, friendships and banal problems are picked up in lots of TV programs. Another trend is the increasing number of reality shows, soaps and gossip, in which those themes are included.  

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