Erstelle mit Skrippy deine eigene Online-Zeitung...
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Verlag: bsntheuntold


We are 'BSN: The Untold'.A newspaper run completely by the students, for the students. We won't write all the politically correct stuff about ISST, exam results, and the fantastic results of the latest environmental committee exploits. Instead, we will discuss the things we have problems with, and what you talk about with your friends. We are in no way related to teachers and they have no control over what we write. We will be critical of what happens around school and we will say what you want.



bsntheuntold: Online-Zeitungen/Zeitschriften/Magazine

Page 5
BSN:The Untold

Edition 1


Aufrufe: 841 | Veröffentlichung: 19. März 2013 - 19:36 3.00 * * * * *