The revenge


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The revenge The revenge
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The revenge



Danny Watts founded his grandfather


Fergus Watts is back

A big success

The revenge Erste Seite Fergus Watt in the second golf war

......Last night Danny Watts finished his mission in Columbian. For months he searched his grandfather, who was a SAS hero,but Fergus Watts sold out to the Columbian drug cartels. So Danny is 17 years old and try to find his grandfather. He is the only one, who has a little hope that his grandfather survival because after he sold out, everyone told that he is dead and rotting in jail. With the help from Elena, her best friend and a genius with technology, they flighted to columbian and searched the grandfather. After months, they became a very important information from a native people. They have the trace that Fergus Watts is near the border to Equador in a small ruin. Yesterday they arrived at small village near the border and actually they saw the ruin.The screamed but no sign of Fergus Watts .Danny walked into the ruin and Elena looked around to pay attention to dangers.Minutes later Danny came out with a very old person. It was Fergus Watts, the SAS legend. On the way back to London, Fergus told the two kids everything about his captivity in Columbian. He told that Finchman was the mole in the whole operation. He has reveal me and he is fault that Fergus is nearly rotting in the ruin. After the arrived in London Fergus, Elena and Danny want to take vengeance. After his old comrades founded out that Fergus is still alive, they gave him a position by the Mi5. Nobody Knows how Fergus will revenge Finchman for the last years, which was a hell for the Ex SAS soldier.

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"Fergus Watts`s position by the MI5"

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