DIMENSIONS - UpClose: An interview with Ray Bradbury


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DIMENSIONS Science and Technology
UpClose: An interview with Ray Bradbury

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DIMENSIONS Science and Technology UpClose: An interview with Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury



       Science and Technology


Spectacular science fiction author Ray Bradbury talks about chances and risks in the future (1950)

An interesting view of today’s society questioning our system of values

Ray Bradbury, a name probably well-known to every science fiction fanatic in the world, winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 2004 and author of works such as “Fahrenheit 451”, “Something Wicked This Way Comes” or “There Will Come Soft Rains” has hit the bull’s eye more than one time in his fictitious stories during his inspiring career. His short story “There Will Come Soft Rains” is a perfect example of his impressive talent of presentiment fitting wonderfully well in contemporary discussions about our high-tech world, its chances and risks. The beginning year 2050 displays a convenient point in time to reconsider our morals and values. In consideration of the fact that Ray Bradbury has written many dystopian, informative and ingenious works, there are good grounds for asking him about his opinion relating to today’s highly technological world.

"I don't try to describe the future. I try to prevent it."
– Ray Bradbury

The best scientist is open to experience and begins with romance - the idea that anything is possible." Ray Bradbury


DIMENSIONS: Your short story “There Will Come Soft Rains” describes a negative view of the human future and presents nature as a merciless competitor of mankind. What inspired you to write this dystopian short story?

Ray Bradbury: Firstly, I wanted to show the lunacy of careless technological inventions. Some of them do much more harm than good. I want people to realize that technological progress shouldn’t constantly be the main focus. It stands to reason that progress in the scientific sphere is needed such as in the sphere of medical science. The real problem isn’t progress itself, it never has been. I’d rather say that the intentions of scientists have changed adversely. By this I mean inventions such as nuclear weapons with the sole purpose to destroy. It goes without saying that nature isn’t concerned about our well-being but we should or rather need to be. One thing is certain: we are the only ones creating our future for better or for worse.

DIMENSIONS: So, you refer to the uncertain situation after World War II in your short story?

Ray Bradbury: Yes, these experiences were part of creating this short story around Sara Teasdale’s poem “There Will Come Soft Rains”, published in 1920, which describes how human extinction by war leaves nature completely unaffected and simply reclaiming the battlefield.

DIMENSIONS: This raises the question as to why you have chosen the house as an extended metaphor. Can you explain your decision starting by summing up your story?

Ray Bradbury: The story is taking place in the far future (in 2026) and deals with a computer-controlled house keeping up the daily routine of taking care of a family which yet already has been killed in a nuclear disaster just like seemingly all human life. The house is completely unaware of their absence. The house illustrates the last oddments of humankind and its achievements. In the course of the day the house ultimately gets destroyed too as a wind gust is causing a branch of a tree to destroy a window, which spills some cleaning solvent on the stove and therefore causes a fire. The house warns the family but already having wasted all the water for a no longer existent family, the house is unable to extinguish the fire. At the end, the only thing remaining is one wall, which continues announcing date and time the very next day.

In other words I’ve chosen the house as an extended metaphor standing for the technological progress humans have made so far and constantly continue to. This house is a part of the daily life and still does not even recognize that everybody died. What counts here is that human achievements do not last forever. They have no meaning to fickle nature.

DIMENSIONS: This implies that the creative power of humankind is senseless.

Ray Bradbury: No, not at all. It simply means that it is essential to consider what certain achievements could perpetrate. Consequences of any kind need to be considered.

DIMENSIONS: In the future, there will be considerations needed. Do you see chances regarding science and technology as well? Do you think the amount of technological abilities changes the system of values of any human society?

Ray Bradbury: My opinion about this subject is that one needs to be extremely careful and clear-sighted. I am convinced that science and technology have a lot of chances to offer. Yet, I doubt that destructive inventions turn out to be beneficial in any way. After all, it has to be recognized that a society should not be measured by means of invention but rather by means of humanity.

Do technological abilities change a system of values? I consider it wrong to generalize here. It seems to me the best solution to state that morals or ethics do not need to stand in contrast to scientific or technological progress. On the contrary, it could signify mutual enrichment.

DIMENSIONS: Is it for this reason that you became an author? Are you actually trying to predict the future?

Ray Bradbury: Let's put it this way: As for me, I feel like I have to write these books and help to change the future. Theoretically I’ve never set out to predict, but practically I just write what later seems to evolve and be true.

                                                                                                                                                                      January 2050



Associated keywords:

Tradition and change: Is keeping up any tradition worth the trouble? Who benefits from changes?

Individual and society: Evolving into an independent person as well as being or staying a part of the society?

Globalisation: Science and technology as its requirement and “preset for acceleration”.

DIMENSIONS Science and Technology UpClose: An interview with Ray Bradbury
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