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Editorial Criticism |
09.04.2013 |
Last week three dead people were found in a pub. One of the victims was the pub owner (white). In addition to the three dead persons there was a young black man, Jefferson, - covered with blood - who was caught robbering. Jefferson's defender compares him to a hog.
After all the defender’s strategy did not work out so it was not effective. I think whatever the defender would say the judges would not be convinced that Jefferson is innocent because he is black. It was HOPELESS!! In my opinion the defender was not professional because a lawyer should not call his/her defendant a hog or should not hurt them. But I think in that case the defender wanted the best for Jefferson and his strategy was to convince the judges that sentencing Jefferson is a “waste “ of time. However it was racist how the defender wanted to convince the judges.
I am not sure whether I would hire this defender because on one hand he hurts the feelings of Jefferson and his family but on the other he wants the best for Jefferson - you can see that because the defender's strategy is based on the thoughts of the judges ( you cannot call him a man => he is worthless ; hog => he is going to die anyway - why kill him ; he is too stupid => all blacks are stupid) -. |
by Viola Lange