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A ray of hope


In the very poor country Malawi, Africa, agriculture is more important than school, as German class 10 students of the Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium learned.  So to help students in Malawi attend school, they started a project and collected money.

“The problem is not that education in Malawi costs money. Since 1995 education had been declared free for any citizen. What is really necessary is the school material”, tells us a girl participating in the project.

Sources report that Malawi has a lack of teachers, too small classrooms and most people cannot afford the money for schoolbooks. That is why children only attend Elementary school if they have the money. Of course this poor education is not enough to get a good job later on so the situation for the young generation will never change. Without a better education possibility these young peoples’ lives will be just as hard and without prospects as their parents’.

“Thousands of children will never get a chance to improve their life and will likely wise live in poverty for many years on”, a student explains. To change this situation the students in our German school started a project. By selling cake they collected money and donated it to the organisation “Weitblick”. They made a dream come true for a young girl in Malawi who is now able to continue to attend school.

With their selfless action the students proved that even normal people can easily change something and be role models for others.


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